Tech4Kids appeal – can you help us to reach our target?

[ First published by LBHF Council on 27 May 2021]

More than 1,500 local children and young people are still at risk of missing out on their schoolwork due to a lack of a device or required data.

That’s why Hammersmith & Fulham Council continues to ask for support for our Tech4Kids partnership appeal – in conjunction with local charity UNITED in H&F and local enterprise Ready Tech Go.

So far, local people, schools and businesses have given £22,000 towards a £159,000 target.

We call on you to give whatever you can, today:

  • £159 can provide a vital laptop with child safeguarding software
  • £20 can get an essential data sim card for internet access

Donate now

“If pupils don’t have the devices from the start, they’ll lose out. So, it’s really important that everybody has access to technology,” said Mayor of Hammersmith & Fulham, Cllr PJ Murphy.

Rest assured that 100% of money raised will ensure we get vital devices and internet connectivity to these young people who are most in need.

Alex, a pupil at Hammersmith Academy secondary school, said: “It’s not fair that children don’t have a laptop at home, they need it for their homework and to get good jobs in the future.”

Watch our campaign video


View the video transcript for our Tech4Kids appeal.


Are you a company or a foundation?

If you run or work for a local company or foundation, we encourage you to step forward if you can and help local children who are most in need. £10,000 can help to give the equivalent of two classrooms full of in-need children vital devices.

“Locally-based companies Agylisis and Immediate Media have been the first to fund this campaign with cash gifts. It’s really a case of better neighbours making better neighbourhoods,” said Savraj Kaur, Executive Director at UNITED, and co-founder of Ready Tech Go.

Please email Savraj at [email protected] to discuss a larger donation.