Winter Support Fund 2024/25 – Grant Monitoring Form *Subject to Change*

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Once submitted, you will automatically be sent a copy of the completed application form for your records.


We appreciate the time it takes to gather data needed for this form. If you feel you are unable to easily provide any of the data requested or that it would take a disproportionate amount of time or resource to gather it, please contact [email protected] to discuss. 


    (All fields with * must be completed)
    You and Your Grant Summary


    Of your total funding request, activity or service type please estimate amount (£) of support provided to households:

    with children under 19 *

    with Disabled persons *

    with pensioners *

    other households *

    (Must total value of Grant received)

    Your Impact and Reach


    What reach did this project have in the borough, by postcode (tick as many as apply)? *



    Please list here the (approx.) number of individuals and households helped per postcode. All fields need to be completed, where the value is 0, please input 0. *


    Individuals *

    Households *















    Please specify the gender people who benefitted from your project fall into, by providing the percentage (%) that fall into each of the following groups. All fields need to be completed, where the value is 0 (or where you don't have data) please input 0. *

    Gender neutral/Agender *

    Intersex *

    Male *

    Non-binary *

    Trans man *

    Trans woman *

    Female *

    Other *

    Prefer not to say *

    (Must total 100%)


    Please specify which population types people who benefitted from your project fall into, by providing the percentage (%) that fall into each of the following groups. If you consider people to fall across multiple categories in any instance, please make a judgement on the primary category they best fit into. All fields need to be completed, where the value is 0 (or where you don't have data) please input 0. *

    Older people (65+) *

    Adults (25-64) *

    Children and Youth (5-24) *

    Young Children (0-4) *

    Care experienced young people *

    Carers *

    Disabled ¹ *

    Ex-offenders *

    Faith groups *

    Families *

    Homeless *

    Individuals fleeing domestic violence *

    LGBTQI+ *

    Lone parents *

    Multi-ethnic communities *

    Refugees & Asylum seekers *

    Socio-economically disadvantaged *

    Those affected by addiction *

    (Must total 100%)

    ¹ Physical/mental impairment and/or neurodiverse conditions




    Of your total funding request, activity or service type please estimate percentage (%) of households:

    with children under 19 *

    with Disabled persons *

    with pensioners *

    other households *



    Of your total funding request, activity, or service type please estimate percentage (%):

    spend on food ¹ *

    spend on utilities ² *

    spend on essentials ³ *

    spend on administration *

    (Must total 100%)

    ¹ Whether in kind or through vouchers or cash
    ² Including heating, energy (lighting, cooking) and water
    ³ Including help with other bills, transport and repairs as well as warm clothing, blankets, period and hygiene products, the purchase of replacement and energy efficient equipment (fridges, freezers, ovens, slow cookers)

    Of your total funding request, activity, or service type please estimate percentage (%):

    spend on vouchers *

    spend on cash awards *

    spend on third party costs *

    spend on tangible items *

    spend on other support *

    spend on administration *

    (Must total 100%)
    Your Stories and Images

    Images are powerful and we would love to share photos from your activity. Please send images to [email protected]. By submitting images, you agree that you have obtained consent from individuals who are identifiable and grant permission for H&F Giving to use these images for our website, social media channels and for other marketing.


    Final Questions and Report Submissions


    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Phone Number

    Email *

    I am the above named person who is authorised to represent the grant recipient organisation, and certify that the statements in this report are accurate to the best of my knowledge. *


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