About the Digital Support Fund

*Applications now closed*

H&F Giving have launched our Digital Support Fund. We have a total of £20,000 available for organisations to apply for to support projects in Hammersmith & Fulham. Organisations with a track record of supporting residents in Hammersmith & Fulham are invited to apply for up to £4,000.

These funds are to be directed to initiatives such as:

  • providing devices and data
  • courses and training to bridge the digital divide

Target beneficiaries include but are not limited to children & young people, older adults, people experiencing homelessness, and refugees.

“After extensively supporting the community with device repairs and donations through frontline partners, our board at Ready Tech Go is thrilled to contribute £10,000 to the H&F Giving Digital Support Fund. We look forward to seeing more and upscaled grassroots leadership on digital inclusion in action.” – Savraj Kaur Chopra, BEM, Chair, Ready Tech Go

“As a corporate partner of H&F Giving, we believe that working with a place-based organisation that understands local needs is the most effective way to reach those most in need within communities.  As such, we are proud to support H&F Giving through the Digital Support Fund. The fund aligns with our expertise and commitment to technology, enabling recipients to bridge the digital divide. Additionally, it is incredibly rewarding to see our support help a range of people from children to young people to older adults.  NEC Software Solutions is committed to this cause, and we are excited to continue our support and encourage others to join.” 

Matt Arnold – Social Value Lead, NEC Software Solutions

If you or your business would like to donate to the Digital Support Fund, please follow the link on the right or contact [email protected] to discuss alternate ways to donate or strategically partner on the fund.