Winter Support Fund 2024/25 – Application Form




Make sure you read Winter Support Fund 2024/25 – An online application process for local groups before completing this form. Please complete all questions marked with *. Don’t use commas when entering numbers.

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Once submitted, you will automatically be sent a copy of the completed application form for your records.


Important note:

We have £180,000 available for Winter Support Funding.

Organisations with a track record in supporting residents in Hammersmith & Fulham who are experiencing financial hardship are invited to apply for up to £10,000. We also welcome applications for smaller values. Funding requests must not duplicate provision currently funded by any other LBHF council grants.

We encourage applications in partnership with another organisation which delivers in Hammersmith and Fulham. The organisation making this application will be the lead group and will be accountable for the grant. We also encourage applications from organisations who have not previously received funding from the council.

All funds must be spent or committed before 31 March 2025. The activity funded and final monitoring report should be completed and submitted by Friday 11 April 2025.

Click here to view the monitoring report template as a guide – please note this may be subject to change and the final version will be provided to successful grant recipients in early 2025.


Deadline is Tuesday 7th January 2025, midday.


    About your organisation


    Main contact



    Organisation Address




    Are you currently in receipt of grant funding from LBHF council for any of the following*:

    3SIF third sector grant
    King Charles III Coronation Youth Fund
    Cost of Living Warm Welcomes
    Small Grants Funding
    Other - please specify


    The Winter Support Fund is intended to provide additional support to existing support. It can be used to supplement/extend services funded by other streams but must not duplicate funding.
    If you are in receipt of other council funds, please can you confirm your intended use of funding from the Winter Support Fund does not duplicate any other grant funding you receive from the council?

    N/A - we are not currently in receipt of any other council funding

    If you have any questions about your project and its eligibility for funding, please contact [email protected].


    About the funding

    We have a total of £180,000 available for Winter Household Support Funding. Organisations with a track record in supporting residents in Hammersmith & Fulham who are experiencing financial hardship can apply for up to £10,000. We also welcome applications for smaller values.

    (Must total 100%)





    (Must total 100%)








    More about the projects, services or activities for which you are requesting funding

    If you are providing food as part of the delivery, please confirm if you are (please tick all that apply):

    Providing a safety net for those facing immediate crisis
    Supporting those who are struggling to access or afford good quality food
    Helping across the community with strategic projects related to food


    In what area(s) of Hammersmith & Fulham will you deliver your items, services, or activities by postcode. Please estimate by percentage approximately how many people you expect to reach per postcode? All fields need to be completed, where the value is 0, please input 0. *


    Individuals *











    (Must total 100%)

    Please specify which population types the groups you will be targeting fall into (Tick all that apply):

    Older people (65+)Adults (25-64)Children and Youth (5-24)Young Children (0-4)Care experienced young peopleCarersDisabled ¹Ex-offendersFaith groupsFamiliesHomelessIndividuals fleeing domestic violenceLGBTQI+Lone parentsMulti-ethnic communitiesRefugees & Asylum seekersSocio-economically disadvantagedThose affected by addiction

    ¹ Physical/mental impairment and/or neurodiverse conditions


    How do you ensure that your items, services or activities are accessible?*:

    Language Support
    British Sign Language
    Cater for different cultural diets
    Easy-read format
    Other - please specify

    Working with partner organisations


    If ‘yes’, how much of the funding you receive will be passed on to your partner organisation(s)?




    Are you happy for Hammersmith and Fulham Council to promote your programme on its website or refer vulnerable households to your organisation (e.g. through their Cost-of-Living Advice line)? (Required for applications of £10,000):


    Please provide contact and any other information for referrals:


    Whilst we aim to fund awarded projects in full, with limited budget available there is the chance only partial funding towards your project/request could be awarded. Would you still be happy to accept an award of partial funding? *



    Declaration and Submission



    Please confirm on behalf of your organisation that:


    Consent to contact for grant updates and news?*


    Thank you for sending your application.